Top 10 Strongest Evas In Evangelion

Evangelion's Top 10 Strongest Evas

In Neon Genesis Evangelion, each Eva has their own set of strengths and limitations, but which Eva is the most strong overall?

Neon Genesis Evangelion, widely regarded as one of the best anime series of all time, will soon be available on Netflix, where it will find a whole new audience. The anime features a group of youngsters tasked with protecting Earth from extraterrestrial (“Angel”) assault, created by Hideaki Anno.

With its twisted take on enormous robots, the cult series from the mid-’90s rebuilt and reinvented what a mecha series is, making them more like wild animals than unfeeling suits of armor. Because no two Evangelion Units are the same, there are some major power variances among them. But which Eva is the most powerful?


Toji was doomed from the start. As the name implies, this Eva Unit was the third of its kind, and it never saw combat until the advent of the 13th Angel, Bardiel. Bardiel infiltrated the Unit and took command away from the rookie pilot.

The rogue Unit, armed with the Angel’s contagious abilities, attacked Eva Unit-01, causing its pilot, Shinji Ikari, to rip it apart. Unfortunately, we never get to see much of what the Unit can do on its own because of this.


In Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, we briefly encountered an Eva Unit. The Eva, piloted by Mari Illustrious, began as a standard bipedal Unit before being transformed into a strange multi-legged creature.

Its main function is to keep an eye on the imprisoned third Angel, hence it doesn’t have as many weapons or combat abilities as other Units, though it can fall into a partial “berserk” state. Its conflict with the third Angel who has escaped culminates in their mutual annihilation.

UNIT- 00

Because the Eva line starts with Unit-00, it’s unsurprising that it doesn’t score very high in the power rankings. It effectively acts as the fabric from which each subsequent Eva is cut, with each subsequent Unit attempting to outperform the original.

It’s one of a kind because it just has one eye and because it’s an earlier type, it’s incompatible with D-Type gear. Its rockets, on the other hand, can still deliver a powerful blow. Unfortunately, it is destroyed when pilot Rei activates the self-destruct function during a battle with the Angel Armisael.


An Eva is made up of more than just metal and LCL fluid; it also contains a human. Having a force of nature like Asuka as your pilot makes overcoming technical limitations a breeze for Unit-02, albeit both bear the consequences of Asuka’s failures.

This Eva is one of the deadliest of the Evas, built to hunt down and destroy. It can also utilize a Progressive Knife, missiles, and a needle cannon, making it one of the most versatile weapons users.

UNIT – 08

Unit-08, another of Mari’s Evas, appears in the third Rebuild film, aiming to stop the Mark.0.9 from completing its hidden mission. The extent of the Unit’s abilities is unknown, though its chunkier exterior suggests increased physical strength.

It proves this by separating Mark.09’s body from its head with simply a pistol during their combat, a blow that should have killed its target if it hadn’t been equipped with extra angelic abilities.


Mark, here’s another exclusive from the Rebuild series. In Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, 0.9 is known for its hard battle with Asuka Langley, which drives Asuka to abandon ship in the end as she recognizes that self-destruction is the only way to win.

The Unit can dress up as the Headless Horseman and wield a colossal scythe in the likeness of the Grim Reaper. To top it off, it can regenerate its missing head in the same way that Angels can. It’s referred to as “Adam’s vessel,” and it’s assumed to be genetically similar to him.


These were the last Eva Units ever constructed, produced by SEELE in secret sites all around the world, according to the original anime series and manga. Nine were made in total, with the objective of starting another Impact once the last Angel had fallen.

As Units-01 and 02 discovered, the winged, flying creatures are self-sufficient and incredibly difficult to defeat. One of these birds can only be permanently grounded if the core is removed. They’re also each armed with a copy of the Spear of Longinus, as if that wasn’t enough.


One of the most intriguing Units is the Mark.0.6, which appears in the Rebuild films. It was built on the Tagbha Moon Base and piloted by the similarly mysterious Kaworu Nagisa, who was described by Gendo Ikari as a “unique” Eva model with tremendous promise.

Its halo and masked face, reportedly an emblem for God, whose face is not meant to be seen, represent its strength visually. When the Third Impact begins, it plays a critical part in slowing the event by spearing Unit-01’s core.


In Evangelion: 3.0, Shinji and Kaworu pilot Unit-13, which Gendo refers to as the “Final Executor.” (Its number also has biblical significance, as it refers to Judas.) This Eva defeats both Unit-02 and Unit-08, owing to its near-impenetrability, which necessitates more self-sacrifice.

It resembles Unit-01 in appearance, except that it grows an extra pair of arms, allowing it to wield two spears at once. Following this pattern, it too possesses two halos, implying that it is an Adam clone.


It’s difficult to avoid making the main protagonist’s Eva Unit the most powerful of the group. While Unit-01 isn’t the most flashy of the lot, it does have some very distinctive characteristics. It’s the only Eva made from Lilith, and one of the few Evas that doesn’t have an umbilical cord.

It’s likely best known for its berserk mode, which is fueled by the wicked nature of its source: Shinji’s own mother’s spirit. It had an unblemished combat record until it came up against the near-indestructible Mass Production Evas, a feat that much exceeds what it should be capable of.